Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Welcome to Whitefeather59 Productions. 

See and read Nomad at Amazon

Thurston's latest fantasy novel is called Nomad. Nomad's story is an exciting new
Fantasy, now published by Solstice Publishing.

Thurston's other fantasy novel called Moshe's cover can be seen at Goodreads.

Thurston is also writing a follow-up novel to Moshe called: Bishtar.

Moshe Abstract

Mosher is a kind, stuttering, and reluctant leader of a tribe of people that are cast-down into Earth’s underworld. They encounter the Pon, who are the masters of Sheol’s mysterious spaces, monsters, and prophetic beliefs.

Mosher’s best friend Calish is a brave young man who battles foes with Asher’s spear – Pharaoh’s prized lance. Bishtar is Calish’s beautiful and dangerous twin sister. She has mind-motion powers that could change everyone’s destiny. And Moshe loves her.

Using mystical gems Mosher leads his people through portals in time, heals wounds, denies evil, and offers the promise of redemption, because he is their 

On Thurston's Art, Teaching, & Graphic Design pages, you will see samples of his art and computer graphics. I look forward to your comments @ thurston599@yahoo.com

Moshe Cartoon GIF Sample 1  2016
Pencil / Photoshop / ImageReady

Moshe Video Sample 4  2017
New & Improved

Monday, January 17, 2011